Graeme Gellatly Setting Settings with Doodba I have become a big fan of Tecnativa's Doodba project in everything but name. One of the great things it has is the ability to easily run scripts. One of the big challenges with developing Odoo is fai...
Graeme Gellatly A Testing Lesson As part of the big migration work I'm doing, a big chunk is validating and migrating the code to v11, adding and modifying tests, adding demo data that kind of thing. I was adding tests to a reasonabl...
Graeme Gellatly Complex Migration No more daily updates for this, as right now there isn't a lot to update on. From the last post we determined that OpenUpgrade wasn't suitable and a different approach was needed. Since then I've rapi...
Graeme Gellatly Complex OpenUpgrade Migration Its Saturday/Sunday so not too much work today on this as other work to catch up on. We are still stuck on quants and this is a hard area. Currently it is reprocessing the done moves. In 22 hours it h...
Graeme Gellatly Complex OpenUpgrade Migration One of the things you discover when working with any database where users generate records is that if a constraint doesn't exist, no matter how obvious it is that entering that data is a bad idea, the...
Graeme Gellatly Complex OpenUpgrade Migration After kicking off the migration and watching logs a while, things slowed when it hit products. This database has 270k products and used product_variant_multi extensively. Whats more is there was alrea...
Graeme Gellatly Complex OpenUpgrade Migration Yesterday we completed enough to experiment and see what is going to happen. So today we want to try out an upgrade from v7 to v8. We know that eventually we want to be on v11, and we also know that i...
Graeme Gellatly Complex OpenUpgrade Migration I have an upgrade project to do. It is fairly complicated and while OpenUpgrade documentation is good, its mainly written for the simple case. I've used it lately for a number of v10 - v11 migrations ... Migration Technical
Graeme Gellatly QWeb Reports Date Fields Had a request today to display a date in a qweb report in a certain way. It really isn't documented anywhere so now it is. Turns out that all fields have a default widget. For example an Integer field... Reports Technical